
In-Home Physical Therapy Services

Phone Initial Consultation: 10-15 minutes to determine if your complaints would be helped in-clinic or in-home physical therapy, or if you would be best helped from another profession. Not required before an initial evaluation.

Initial Evaluation:
60-75 minutes spent discussing reasons for seeking care, perform a thorough exam, and making sure you’re safe to participate in therapy. After the exam, Dr. Lyon will answer questions, explain results, and provide a written report if requested. After agreeing on a plan to move forward, same day treatment will help get you on the up-and-up as soon as possible.

Treatment Sessions:
Treatment may include manual therapy, progressive exercise prescription, soft tissue mobilization, spinal manipulation, trigger point dry needling, gait training, electrical stimulation, static or dynamic balance training, biofeedback, endurance and strength training. Your treatment plan is highly individualized and tailored to your needs.

Because Dr. Lyon isn’t bound by productivity standards, we can take as much time as needed to understand your condition and goals, as well as develop a treatment plan that works within your lifestyle and budget.

Do you take Insurance? Do I need a referral from my doctor?

Lyon Physical Therapy accepts and is in network with many major insurances companies, including the following:

Blue Cross Blue Shield - Wisconsin
Blue Cross Blue Shield - Michigan
Christian Ministries Alliance
Forward Health
Medicare/Medicaid WI and MI
United Healthcare
Upper Penninsula Health Plan

For out-of-network insurers, we work with patients to keep costs low. If you’re unsure if Lyon Physical Therapy is contracted with your insurance, give us a call or send us an email including an image of your insurance card. Cash-pricing at 75% discount is available for those who do not wish to use their insurance.

Most patients do not need a referral for an initial evaluation with Dr. Lyon. An easy rule of thumb is that if you wish to use a state-funded health plan, such as medicare or medicaid, a referral is recommended. In the state of WI, a referral is needed if your condition is brand new, but not if you have a chronic condition and have a primary care provider you regularly see. In the state of MI, a referral is needed after 21 days, regardless the condition.

To eliminate headaches, ask your physician to fax a referral to:

Lyon Physical Therapy Fax: (844) 360-8998

Locally based physical therapy can be a great alternative to “The Healthcare System” for many reasons, especially if it allows for increased convenience in scheduling, better quality of care, or access to a provider you and your community trust.


What about Medicare?

Lyon Physical Therapy has “opted-in” to Medicare and will submit our claims directly to them, no different than if you were to go see a physical therapist at a big box clinic. Medicare will automatically forward them to your secondary insurance. Rest easy - your bills will be no higher at Lyon Physical Therapy than they would be elsewhere.

Your health is personal.

Whatever you need to get back to your “old self,” we want to go on the journey with you, on your terms, on your time.